Thursday, January 5, 2012

Famous B 2011 Year End Review!

To say I had a tremendous year would be an understatement. I have accomplished some amazing things this past year that took me from being a kind of known rookie to a top contender here in Southern California. I realized a few things this past year and that’s I can compete and perform with top talent not just here in California but anywhere in the world. I credit television for a huge part of my success this year being apart of NWA Hollywood for the most part of the year and for signing with the Urban Wrestling Federation and appearing on Pay Per View. In addition to television I managed to win four Championship titles to add to my celebrity. My main goal for 2012 is to travel and wrestle as much as I can in International places. Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Japan to name a few. Im very grateful to the fans who have also played a huge part in my success. I look forward to a bigger, badder, and stronger year of wrestling. Here is my stats for 2011.

Complete Match Listings

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